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The most practical guide you'll ever get on using chords to supercharge your piano playing.
The Piano Keys
Learn to play 4, 5, 6, and 7 note chords and level-up your piano skills.
Does any of this sound like you?
You're not alone!
If you're like the vast majority of adult pianists, you never learned the important BASIC SKILLS that take the guess-work out of playing the piano.
So you end up needlessly struggling for years, longing
to enjoy playing the music
you love.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
By learning A FEW SIMPLE concepts,
you can transform yourself from a "wanna-be" into a
confident, joyful pianist who knows EXACTLY how to navigate the learning and playing process.
There's ONE BASIC SKILL you can learn that gives you the power to:
Did you know that all music is made up of scales and chords?
To make it even simpler, think about it like this -
Scales are just chords with the notes laid out side by side.
Chords are just scales with the notes grouped together.
So, if you want to get the "keys to the kingdom" of music, you need to have a working, practical knowledge of chords.
Having all this stuff listed in one handy spot SEEMS like the way to go.
Just get yourself a chart with all the scales and chords on it, and you're all set.
Learning and playing music is a "real time" activity. That means that you need to USE your knowledge and skill AS you play.
It's not practical (or helpful) to look back and forth at a chart while you're also reading sheet music or playing or composing or improvising.
Charts can only show you what scales and chords look like in isolation.
But, we don't play music as isolated events -
that wouldn't really sound like music.
In music, chords, scales, arpeggios, and melodies all happen in a wonderful, interwoven tapestry.
Sure, you might know what a C Major chord looks like if it's written in it's "normal" way, all neatly stacked and labeled, like on a chart.
But how will you recognize that C Major chords when the notes are spread out on the piano?
Will you understand how the C Major chord leads into the next chord, and why? And how you can use that information to make learning and playing easier?
Or why that C Major chord has a certain emotional impact in a particular chord progression?
A chart won't help you there.
In the
CHORD MASTER 1 Master Class
you learned
Master Class will give you the tools to master
4, 5,6, and 7 NOTE CHORDS
Hi, I'm Marina!
I taught this Master Class LIVE via Zoom, and now you can
watch it as many times as you like!
Frequently Asked Questions
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If you have a question directly related to this master class and you'd like to use your piano to demonstrate for further clarification, you are eagerly invited to do so. Questions that don't relate directly to the topic of this master class will need to be answered elsewhere.
Yes, they are yours to keep forever
You have unlimited access to this class for as long as you maintain your membership, or for 1 year from date of purchase, whichever is longer.
You will still get full value from this class. Marina carefully prepares all classes so as to cover all the major points of a topic and address any common questions that may arise.
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